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​​​​Directive No 72
Reserved Works Contracts for Micro and Small Enterprises​​ 
​​Directive No 71
Purchase of locally manufactured goods​​​
​​Directive N​o 70
​Low Value Procurement​​
​​Directive N​o 69
Performance rating of Suppl​iers​​​
Directive No 68
Compliance with Remuneration Orders for Other Services​
​​Directive N​o 67B
Margin of Preference for Procu​rement of Works​​​​
Directive No 66
Bill ​of Quantities in the procurement of works
​​Directive No 65
Framework Agreement
Directive No 64A
​Setting Up of Performance Review Committee​​
Directive No 63
Payment claims for works projects
Directive No 62
Report in respect of Works Contract
Directive No 61
Procedures for Negotiations
Directive No 60
​ ​Emergency Procurement​​
Directive No 59
Bill of Quantities in the Procurement of Works
Directive No 58A
Application of Margin of Preference to Goods Contracts​
Directive No 57
Bill of Quantities in the Procurement of Works
​Directive No 56
Third Party Liability on Contractor All Risks (CAR) Insurance Policy
Directive No 55
Procedures for dealing with contracts affected by the Covid-19 pandemic
Directive No 54
Clearance of bidding documents for Framework Agreements
Directive No 53
​Procurement of ICT Projects
​​​Directive No 52A
Dealing with Abnormally low bids
​​​​Directive No 51
Composition of Bid Evaluation Committees​
Directive No 50
Ensuring minimum domestic content of 30 percent in purchases of goods
Directive No 49
Applicable Margins of Preference to Goods Contracts
Directive No 48​​
Amendments to Standard Bidding Documents
​​​​​​Directive No 47
​​Mandatory Use of the e-Procurement System
​​​​Directive No 46​
Abnormally low bids​​
​​​​Directive No 45 Bid period for simple projects
​​​Directive No 44 Emergency Procurement to combat COVID-19
​​Directive No 43 ​Margin of Preference for Wheat Flour and Ration Rice
​Directive No 42

Amended Margins of Preference for Goods in Public Contracts​​​

​Directive No 41

Emergency Procurement with respect to Construction of Drain Projects and Associated Works​​

​Directive No 40 Refund of Sale Price of Bidding Documents​
​Directive No 39 Re-evaluation of Bids
​Directive No 38

Procedures to be followed in cases of complaints to the
Independent Review Panel​

(Annex 1 - Directive 38)

​Directive No 37 Enforcement of Labour Clause in Works and Non-Consultancy Services Contracts
​Directive No 36 ​Sensitising Bidders to the Government e-Procurement System
​Directive No 35 Excluding bidders to participate in a procurement exercise
​Directive No 34

Amendments to Directive No 17

Directive No 33 Suppliers to provide Tax Clearance Certificate from the Mauritius Revenue Authority for public contract values of Rs 5 million and above​
​​Directive No 32 Margin of Preference for SMEs for Shoes, Uniforms, School Books, Printing Materials and Furniture
Directive No 31A Assessment of Financial Soundness and Capability of Bidders for procurement of Works , Services  and Goods 
​​Directive No 30 Amendments to Standard Bidding Documents (Works) and (Consultancy services)
Directive No 29 Register of bids received
Directive No 28 Public Procurement (Electronic Bidding System) Regulations 2015
Directive No 27
Implementation of Electronic Procurement System
Directive No 26
​Performance Security for Health sector goods
Directive No 25 Early Market Engagement by Public Bodies
Directive No 24 Bank Certificate
Directive No 23
Register of Bids received
Directive No 22A Activation of Procurement Planning on e-Procurement System
Directive No 21 Amendment of Standard Bidding Documents to comply with CIDB Act regarding registration of Consultants and Contractors for the construction sector in Mauritius
Directive No 20
Margin  of Preference for Rodrigues in respect of Procurement for Contract values up to Rs 5 million
Directive No 19


Amendments to Standard Bidding Documents to comply with CIDBAct regarding Registration of Consultants and Contractors for the construction sector in Mauritius​
Directive No 18 Explanatory Note to Directive No 3
Directive No 17 Maximum Time Limit for Issuing Invitation for Bids Following Prequalification of Bidders
Directive No 16
Amendments to Directives 3 and Directive 12
Directive No 15
Annual Procurement Plan
Directive No 14
Procurement of Training Services
Directive No 13
KPIs for Procurement Lead Time​
Directive No 12
Margin of Preference for Procurement of works
Directive No 11
Technical Specifications
Directive No 10
Procedure for Disclosure of  Contract Award Details
Directive No 9
Performance Security
Directive No 8
Eligibility of Suppliers, Contractors, Service Providers and Consultants
Directive No 7
Submission of Bids
Directive No 6
Responsiveness of Bids
Directive No 5
Implementation of Budgetary Measures to promote SMEs participation in Public Procurement
Directive No 4
Bid Submission Format issued pursuant to section 7 of the Public Procurement Act
Directive No 3
Determination of Responsiveness of bids
Directive No 2 Implementation of e-Procurement-launching of Public procurement website
Directive No 1
Issue of Standard Bidding Documents and Consulting of Contract​​

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